A working plan to build Bournemouth back

My plan to build Bournemouth back is working. 

I started this campaign by listening to you

Through personally-delivered surveys, and my regular house meetings, you told me clearly that the town centre needed change.  As a local resident myself, I agree with you. The absence of a council or police presence has allowed our town to decline with lack of street cleaning and litter collection, chewing gum stains everywhere, and anti-social behaviour growing. 

But thanks to your correspondence, the town centre became my core priority. And through your suggestions, we are now creating positive change.

  • Our town hosted its first ever Town Centre Summit at the end of last year.
  • In February, BCP Council Leader Vikki Slade asked me to chair the Bournemouth Town Centre Partnership Action Group. 
  • As a result of several meetings between Local Government Secretary Michael Gove and I, a call is now scheduled between BCP Council and his Department to explore Bournemouth’s participation as a Trailblazer for the Government’s High Street Rental Auction programme. This will give the council the potential power to force landlords to let out retail units if they fail to accept an offer at market rent. 
  • I demanded that BCP Council apply for chewing gum removal grants, after they failed to bid for the first two round. Having lobbied the Secretary of State for the Environment, he has since told me it is highly likely we will be successful. We will invest in a bespoke gum removal machine to eradicate this blight on our streets.
  • I have written to BT demanding that phone boxes used for anti-social behaviour be removed and requested that our local council and police collate evidence of anti-social behaviour involving these boxes to support our case. 
  • Over thirty litter bins in and around the town centre have been replaced.
  • We have a new Town Centre Enforcement Officer role in BCP Council to deter crime.
  • And constituents may also be aware that the Ivy have restarted their plan to move into a unit on Bournemouth Pavilion. 

These are the direct steps being taken, but I have also tried to install a sense of urgency on this amongst the local organisations I instruct through the Town Centre Action Group. I do believe this has resulted in a positive change in attitude locally.

If I am re-elected as your Member of Parliament, I will endeavour to keep key stakeholders focussed on building Bournemouth back. This action is not only an instruction from the thousands of constituents who wrote to me pleading for action, but a personal interest for me as a resident of our great town.  

Together, we can build Bournemouth back.